Dental Technology
Intraoral Camera
An intraoral camera is an excellent means of allowing you to view potential dental conditions in your own mouth. It is much easier to understand what is happening in your mouth if you can see the problem on a computer monitor. This image can be used to provide additional information to insurance companies and other doctors as necessary.
Digital x-rays
We use a digital x-ray system at our office. Digital x-rays have many advantages, some of which include: less x-ray exposure to you, greater resolution, instant magnification and manipulation. The image is ready in a few seconds, and is environmentally friendly because no chemicals are used. The x-rays can be instantly emailed to other dentists or specialists. We have on site and off site backups to protect our data.
Dental Microscope
A dental microscope provides additional magnification and illumination to allow for increased visualization of the teeth and dental structures. It allows for better diagnosis and treatment with greater and clearer magnification than traditional dental loupes.